Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Jugeing a show by it's cover

Some of you have probably seen the infamous "My Little Homophobic, Racist, Smart-Shaming Pony" article.(if you haven't, it's here Basically the author looks at some of the promotional material for the new "My Little Pony: Friendship is magic" cartoon and reaches the following conclusions.
copied directly from the site
So overall, these are the lessons My Little Pony teaches girls:

* Magical white ponies are suited for leadership; black ponies are suited to be servants.
* Stop learning! You will overcome any obstacle by resorting to strength in numbers (of friends).
* Girls that wear rainbows are butch.
* You need the government (ideally a monarch invested with supreme ultimate power and a phallic symbol strapped to her forehead) to tell you what to do with your life.

As anyone who actually watched the show can tell you, the above ""facts"" are just a bunch of wild, crass assumptions. In the most part the new My Little Pony cartoon strongly averts these assumptions and is overall a very enjoyable high quality show that teaches good lessons. The author of the article would have known that if they had actually watched the show. In honor of this stupidity I will now make crazy negative assumptions about some of my favorite shows ,based solely on their promotional pictures.

So overall, these are the lessons "phineas and ferb" teaches kids:

*Boys are always better at sports than girls.
*White people are the only race.
*If you can't surf you are worthless and uncool.
* All girls wear pink.

So overall, these are the lessons "avatar the last airbender" teaches kids:

*Cancer gives you super powers!
*Guys always outnumber girls.
*To be the hero you have to be white.
*War is a good way to solve problems.

So overall, these are the lessons "Spongebob Squarepants" teaches kids:

*Blond haired,blue eyed people make the best protagonists.
*You don't have to go to college.working at a low-paying fast food restaurant is fun!
*All men with large eyelashes are gay.
*Mexican people are evil.

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